Growing Herbs, Fruit & Vegetables in a Warm Climate.

24 Chapter Ebook $10.00

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It's been extremely hot and humid over the last month in Cairns and I'm looking forward to a cool change soon. I've started to get ready for planting out which will probably be in a couple of weeks if the rain has eased off and the temperature starts to drop. I've saves some capsicum seed from a red capsicum I bought at woollies a couple of weeks ago. I've also cut in half a tomato and squeezed it out into the half the box I keep worms - so I'll just remove that side and spread it out into the bed and build the worms back up from the other side. i did that also with a couple of cherry tomatoes.
Pumpkin leaves almost took over my whole garden during the wet growing from seeds left in the compost. Unfortunately no fruit developed as this particular cultivar was bought at woollies and grown down south. to produce fruit they need the right light length and intensities and little extremes in temperature. It would grow and produce well if planted in April but I would have no room for other things.
Start preparing you bed and getting your seeds ready.

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