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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Time To Plant

I noticed on Saturday a slight drop in the air temperature and there is still a bit of rain around. So on Sunday I decided to plant out all my seeds.I gave some of the older seeds a head start by soaking them in a diluted sea weed solution overnight. It will improve the germination rate especially for older seeds.
I hope the rain has eased off which I feel it has, will let you know what starts to come up.
Don't miss my colum in the weekend feature of the Cairns Post, goes through all the challenges we face growing food in the tropics.
Now is the time to get that veggie garden going, and plant out your seeds.
Got no seeds, go to the fridge, grab a tomato, cut it in half and squeeze out the seeds. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I came to your blog via the article in Cairns Post.I like to try all things tropical by experimenting and have just joined the inaugural Edmonton Community Garden. It's great to see a blog like yours which examines tropical gardening in practical ways. I'll be watching!!!!